Saturday, December 14, 2013

announcing functionally ill 17

This issue is about therapy, rapid cycling, body image, disability, dreams.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

birth announcement: functionally ill 16

I have a new functionally ill.  It's issue 16.

This is the latest issue of my mental health zine about living with schizoaffective disorder and no health insurance.

This one's about applying for SSI and SSDI, my "mental exam," long intakes, crazy performance, being pushed, and services.

quarter size, 32 pages including covers, black & white photocopy, bound with thread

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

functionally ill 15

I made a new functionally ill.  It's issue 15.  This one is about therapy, art therapy, goals, locus of control, and losing my best friend.

I am hesitant to share much with the group because I'm afraid I won't be understood. I would rather be unknown than misunderstood.