Wednesday, October 8, 2008

functionally ill #4

I'm happy and proud to announce that issue four of functionally ill is finished and being sent out into the world.

It’s about seeing a new therapist: what she’s like, how we interact, what works for me, and what doesn’t. Themes are how we present ourselves, communication, trust, and therapy’s efficacy.

Like all my zines, it's free or trade, so get in touch with me if you're interested. You can reach me at robot mad (no space) dot gmail dot com.


That's one way of seeing it... said...

Hi Laura,
Sorry I have not been in touch for a while and I didn't return your letter, I suddenly had a couple of big projects and got really carried away.

this is just a quick message to say thankyou so much for the zines they are beautiful and meaningful and sometimes painful.

I have just added this site as a link on my site.

I hope you are well and I will stay in contact.

Kindest regards,
Amy [altered perceptions] x

Laura-Marie said...

Hi, Amy. Thanks for your comment. I am so glad you enjoyed the zines. Thanks for linking.